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Place-Names of England: Staffordshire Pilot Project

Place-Names of England is a tool to collect and view place-names recorded by volunteers across England. The early stages of the website will be collecting the place-names of Staffordshire.

Please note that the data collected on this site has yet to be interpreted.

Everyone is free to browse and search for Staffordshire place-names in this site, using the Search and Map pages. If you would like to volunteer to record place-names, please register on the website. When the website supervisor has confirmed your account, you will be able to log in and start recording place-names.

Adding and editing place-names

Place-names are added and edited on the "Place-names dashboard" page (which is only available once you have logged in).

This will show any place-names you have already entered. Records that have not yet been validated by the supervisor can be edited, and you can record new place-names using the 'Create New' button.